The enforcement firm’s complaints process.

Enforcement firms will try to resolve your complaint informally first.

If that is not possible, the enforcement firm will move your complaint onto their formal complaint stage.

We expect enforcement firms to complete their formal consideration of a complaint within 20 working days of it being acknowledged.  

We may investigate a complaint if the enforcement firm has not responded to you within 20 working days. 

Once you have received the enforcement firm’s formal response to your complaint, you have completed their complaints process.

Have you either completed the enforcement firm’s complaints process or have you been waiting for a response from the enforcement firm for more than 20 working days?

Enforcement firms should be given a reasonable opportunity to investigate a complaint.   

We expect enforcement firms to respond to the majority of formal complaints within 20 working days of it being acknowledged by them. 

Once 20 working days have passed, please contact us, as we may be able to look into your concerns.