It looks like your complaint may be ready for us.
You can now start to complete our online complaint form.
What information will you need to complete the complaint form?
- Details of your complaint
- When it happened
- The impact it has had on you
- The outcome you are seeking
- If your complaint is with another complaint handler. E.G an ombudsman
- If you are taking or planning to take legal action
- If you are complaining on behalf of yourself, or for someone else
- The correspondence relating to your complaint that you have exchanged with the enforcement firm
To create a new complaint:
If you already have an account with us, please login below to create a new complaint form.
If you are new to our service, you will need to create an account to complete the online complaint form.
Once you have an account, you will gain access to our online portal where you can check in on the progress of your complaint at any time.
If you are unable to complete the on-line complaint form you can download a complaint form from our website and either email your completed form to us at: or post it to us at: Enforcement Conduct Board PO Box 7956, WOLVERHAMPTON, WV1 9US.
Please note that emailing or posting your complaint form to us can cause delays.
If you are unable to complete the complaint form yourself, a family member or friend can help you. If that is not possible, advice is available from a variety of sources, such as:
National Debtline