ECB Board
The ECB is a registered company (13907897).
It is led by its Board of Non-Executive Directors. Each of these Board members are appointed for 3 year terms.
The Board meets at least 10 times a year and the minutes of each meeting are published on our website. This includes four in person meetings, that are held in different locations across England and Wales.

Chair – Catherine Brown
Catherine is Chair of mySociety and Hubbub and is a lay member of the Legal Services Board. Catherine is also a former CEO of the Food Standards Agency, a non-ministerial department of UK Government, and has held roles as an Equal Opportunities Commissioner and Chair of a Housing Association.

Chris Nichols
Chris Nichols is Chief Executive of the Enforcement Conduct Board. He began his career at the Ministry of Justice where he helped to bring in a new regulatory framework for legal services. He then moved to the Bar Standards Board where he set up new approaches to barrister regulation. Before taking up his current role in March 2023, Chris spent eight years at the Legal Services Board where he held a number of senior roles including Director of Policy and Oversight.

Alan Cavill
Alan is Director of Communications and Regeneration at Blackpool Council, supporting a town that has 8 of the ten most deprived neighbourhoods in England.

Ged Curran
Ged was Chief Executive at the London Borough of Merton for twenty-one years with direct experience of the complexities involved in enforcing debt recovery including the establishment of an in-house enforcement agent team. He is also a non-executive director on Cambridge and Peterborough NHS Integrated Care Board.

Althea Efunshile CBE
Althea is Chair of Metropolitan Thames Valley Housing, and Chair of Ballet Black. Althea previously served as Executive Director, Education and Culture, at the London Borough of Lewisham and has worked at the Department for Education and Skills.

Jenny Watson CBE
Jenny is Chair at Broadland Housing and GAMSTOP and is a trustee of the Norfolk Community Foundation. Jenny is also a former Chair of the Fawcett Society, the UK Electoral Commission, and the Equal Opportunities Commission (before the creation of the Commission for Equality and Human Rights), and Vice-Chair of the Money Advice Trust.