YPO commits to making ECB accreditation a prerequisite of future procurement exercises for enforcement services

YPO has today (14th May 2024) committed to making ECB accreditation a prerequisite for any future contracting via their procurement solution for enforcement services. YPO’s solution is used by over 75% of local authorities in England and Wales.

Our accreditation scheme, launched in the Autumn of 2023, is the framework through which we hold enforcement firms to account.

Over 40 firms across civil and High Court enforcement are ECB accredited, making up over 95% of the market for enforcement work undertaken in England and Wales in 2022.

Creditors have a big role to play in driving fair enforcement through their purchasing decisions, and YPO’s commitment to the ECB is an important one for public sector procurement. We look forward to many more public sector bodies following their example.

Chris Nichols, ECB Chief Executive said:
“The ECB is delighted that YPO has made such a powerful commitment to the ECB’s mission of ensuring that people who are subject to enforcement action in England & Wales are fairly treated.

“By mandating that all the enforcement firms using their procurement solution must be ECB accredited, YPO is sending an important message about the value of accountability and of meeting high standards.

“We are pleased to have worked in collaboration with YPO in developing their specification and mandatory requirements. The ECB looks forward to other creditors following suit and making ECB accreditation a pre-requisite for any future contracting.”

Sarah Jarvis, YPO Category Manager said:
“We’re proud to be the first public sector buying organisation that has made it compulsory for enforcement suppliers on our solution to be ECB accredited.

This means, not only is there a pre-vetted route for the public sector to procure enforcement services, but organisations also now have further confidence that the suppliers will be operating to the highest of standards”.

Notes to Editor

About the ECB

The Enforcement Conduct Board (ECB) is the independent oversight body responsible for overseeing the enforcement industry.

The ECB aims to enhance industry standards and ensure those experiencing enforcement action are fairly treated.

You can find out more about accreditation and the registry of accredited firms on the ECB website.

About YPO

YPO is one of the largest public sector buying organisations in the UK. Fully owned by 13 local government member authorities, YPO has also established formal relationships with further 71 organisations – known as associate member authorities – across local government and the wider public sector.

YPO has an annual turnover in excess of £2 billion, with a range including approximately 30,000 products and 100 public sector solution contracts and over 500 staff.

Established 50 years ago, to aggregate the procurement spend of its owning local authorities, YPO has helped drive public sector efficiency savings through its bulk buying power for product supplies and centralised contract services initiatives.

Please view the history and heritage video to find out more –

Other Press Releases

YPO commits to making ECB accreditation a prerequisite of future procurement exercises for enforcement services

YPO has today (14th May 2024) committed to making ECB accreditation a prerequisite for any future contracting via their procurement solution for enforcement services. YPO’s solution is used by over 75% of local authorities in England and Wales.

Our accreditation scheme, launched in the Autumn of 2023, is the framework through which we hold enforcement firms to account…

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