
ECB commissioned independent research agency, Thinks Insight and Strategy to run a series of workshops with enforcement agents as well as carrying out a number of depth interviews with those who have lived experience of enforcement action.  This research was conducted in May 2024 as part of the engagement for our standards project

Comisiynodd yr ECB Revealing Reality i ymchwilio i brofiad rhai pobl o gamau gorfodi.

Upcoming projects

We are commissioning independent research into enforcement. We have partnered with M.E.L Research, an award-winning social research agency to support us in this work.

Bydd yr ymchwil hwn yn rhoi darlun cliriach i ni o arferion gorfodi cyfredol a phrofiadau unigolion ac asiantau yn ystod y broses orfodi.

Researchers from MEL will be visiting a selection of ECB accredited  enforcement firms, of all sizes, and choosing and viewing random samples of body worn video (BWV) taken during enforcement visits. The samples videos will be assessed by the researchers against criteria that we have developed in collaboration with debt advice and enforcement industry experts.

The full report will be published in early Autumn 2024.

Pethau i'w gwybod

Mae'n hanfodol bod yr ECB yn diogelu hawliau unigolion sy'n profi camau gorfodi trwy gydol yr ymchwil hwn.

We have engaged lawyers and other sector experts to ensure that the project is fully compliant with data protection and the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and we are also putting in place a number of mitigations to ensure that all personal data is protected.

Ni fydd ein hadroddiad terfynol yn cynnwys unrhyw ddata sy'n nodi pobl unigol a bydd yn gwbl ddienw drwyddo draw.

You can read our privacy policy yma for further information, including the lawful basis upon which we will be processing data for the project.

Porthiant cymdeithasol

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Datganiadau i'r wasg

Datganiad Diweddaraf i'r Wasg

Mae YPO yn ymrwymo i wneud achrediad ECB yn rhagofyniad ar gyfer ymarferion caffael yn y dyfodol ar gyfer gwasanaethau gorfodi

Heddiw (14 Mai 2024) mae YPO wedi ymrwymo i wneud achrediad ECB yn rhagofyniad ar gyfer unrhyw gontractio yn y dyfodol trwy eu datrysiad caffael ar gyfer gwasanaethau gorfodi. Defnyddir datrysiad YPO gan dros 75% o awdurdodau lleol yng Nghymru a Lloegr.

Ein cynllun achredu, a lansiwyd yn hydref 2023, yw’r fframwaith yr ydym yn ei ddefnyddio i ddwyn cwmnïau gorfodi i gyfrif…

Darllen mwy


Post blog diweddaraf

ECB Chair’s Blog – September 2024

September’s Board meeting was a virtual one, with lots to discuss. We started by considering and reflecting on the progress that has been made over the summer with the launch of our consultation on new standards for enforcement, and the workshops and discussions that the team have been leading during the consultation period…

Darllen mwy